Monday, 17 October 2011

[04] Architecture/Interior. Herzog & deMeuron, CaixaForum.

Mixing old and new. 

City is a living organism, it constantly evolves, transforms and outgrows its original boundaries. What fascinates me in this project is that old (power station) meets new (art gallery) and blends so well together in an amazing mixture of different textures and materials. The upper steel addition, for example, was intentionally aged to match the classified brick shell. I also like the idea of separating over and underground levels by literary removing the base of the old building which made it look as it was floating above the ground but it also facilitates the access to the building, as it is approachable form every direction. 

Herzog & deMeuron, CaixaForum, Madrid 2008. Photographed by Duccio Malagamba. Available at <> [Accessed on 17 Oct]

The one forth of the structure is submerged underground.

Herzog & deMeuron, CaixaForum, Madrid 2008. Available at <> [Accessed on 17 Oct]

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